Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From Gatsby to Daisy

Dearest Daisy,
words cannot explain nor tongue tell the incompletness I feel in my life. Darn the war for separting you and me. We were meant to be. We still are. You know that I was, am and always will be the only man who will ever make you happy. I certainly feel this way about you. When we kissed on that night, five years ago, I knew for certain that you were an irreplacable part of my future. Those days we spent riding around in your white roadster. Oh how I wish we could go back to that.
We still can and you know it. All you have to do is to leave that beast of a man you call your husband. You know he does not love you. You are just a trophy to him. But to me, you are my everything. All my wealth is meaningless to me without you in my life. I threw so many lavish parties in hope that you would somehow show up to my house.
For the past five years, you have never left my mind. I have never been with another woman because I knew that you were the ONE. Not even at my own parties. I stayed away from my guests, suffering ridicule, all for you. I love everything about you. Your voice cast a spell on me the very first time I heard it. I will treat you the way you deserved to be treated. Why don't you let me love for who you are and not who you should be.

your one and only,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gatsby,
    If only you knew how much I regret with all of me throwing my life away in such haste. You are completely right, we were meant to be. Our lives were meant to be tied together forever but the war caused a distance I could not handle. During our separation, I realized that I couldn't wait for you. I thought that the best thing for me was to establish my life, even if that meant without you. I only understand now though that making that decision was the biggest mistake of my life.
    I haven't forgotten about you Gatsby. Please understand that. Your memory has forever stained my heart. Every day I wish that we belonged to each other. Instead I am stuck with such a wretched man for a husband. If only you understood how much I wanted to be with you forever. That kiss we shared made me realize the truth, that I am supposed to be your future. Oh Gatsby, I'm so sorry for how much you suffered. If only we could turn back time then our dreams could be a reality. As of right now though we're stuck here, separated. You'll forever have a place in my heart though.

